# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Florian Festi
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from boxes import *
class WineRack(Boxes):
"""Honey Comb Style Wine Rack"""
ui_group = "Shelf"
def __init__(self) -> None:
# Uncomment the settings for the edge types you use
# remove cli params you do not need
self.buildArgParser(x=400, y=300, h=210)
# Add non default cli params if needed (see argparse std lib)
"--radius", action="store", type=float, default=46.,
help="Radius of comb")
"--walls", action="store", type=str, default="all",
choices=("minimal", "no_verticals", "all"),
help="which of the honey comb walls to add")
def hexFingerHoles(self, x, y, l, angle=90):
with self.saved_context():
self.moveTo(x, y, angle)
self.moveTo(self.delta, 0, 0)
self.fingerHolesAt(0, 0, l-2*self.delta, 0)
def wallCB(self, frontwall=False, backwall=False):
r = self.r
x, y, h = self.x, self.y, self.h
dx, dy = self.dx, self.dy
cx, cy = self.cx, self.cy
t = self.thickness
if cy % 2:
ty = cy // 2 * (2*dy + 2*r) + 2*dy + r
ty = cy // 2 * (2*dy + 2*r) + dy
self.moveTo((x-dx*2*cx)/2, (y-ty) / 2)
wmin = self.walls == "minimal"
for i in range(cy//2 + cy % 2):
if not frontwall and self.walls == "all":
self.hexFingerHoles(0, (2*r+2*dy)*i+dy, r, 90)
for j in range(cx):
if not backwall:
self.hole(j*2*dx+dx, (2*r+2*dy)*i + r, dx-t)
if frontwall:
self.hexFingerHoles(j*2*dx+dx, (2*r+2*dy)*i, r, 150)
self.hexFingerHoles(j*2*dx+dx, (2*r+2*dy)*i, r, 30)
if self.walls == "all":
self.hexFingerHoles(j*2*dx+2*dx, (2*r+2*dy)*i+dy, r, 90)
if wmin and i == cy//2: # top row
if j>0 or not wmin:
self.hexFingerHoles(j*2*dx+dx, (2*r+2*dy)*i+r+2*dy, r, -150)
if j<cx-1 or not wmin:
self.hexFingerHoles(j*2*dx+dx, (2*r+2*dy)*i+r+2*dy, r, -30)
if i < cy//2:
for j in range(cx):
if not frontwall and self.walls == "all":
self.hexFingerHoles(j*2*dx+dx, (2*r+2*dy)*i+r+2*dy, r, 90)
if not backwall:
for j in range(1, cx):
self.hole(j*2*dx, (2*r+2*dy)*i + 2*r + dy, dx-t)
if cy % 2:
i = cy // 2
for j in range(cx):
if frontwall or wmin:
if j > 0:
self.hexFingerHoles(j*2*dx+dx, (2*r+2*dy)*i, r, 150)
if j < cx -1:
self.hexFingerHoles(j*2*dx+dx, (2*r+2*dy)*i, r, 30)
def render(self):
x, y, h, radius = self.x, self.y, self.h, self.radius
t = self.thickness
r = self.r = 2 * (radius + t) * math.tan(math.pi/6)
self.dx = dx = r * math.cos(math.pi/6)
self.dy = dy = r * math.sin(math.pi/6)
self.cx = cx = int((x-2*t) // (2*dx))
self.cy = cy = int((y-dy-t) // (r+dy))
self.delta = 3**0.5/6.*t
self.rectangularWall(x, y, callback=[self.wallCB], move="up")
self.rectangularWall(x, y, callback=[lambda:self.wallCB(backwall=True)], move="up")
self.rectangularWall(x, y, callback=[lambda:self.wallCB(frontwall=True)], move="up")
if self.walls == "all":
tc = (cy//2 + cy % 2) * (6 * cx + 1)
tc = (cy//2 + cy % 2) * (4 * cx)
if self.walls == "minimal":
tc -= 2 * (cy//2) # roofs of outer cells
if cy % 2:
if self.walls == "all":
tc -= cx
if self.walls != "minimal":
tc += 2 * cx - 2 # very top row
self.partsMatrix(tc, cx, "up", self.rectangularWall, r-2*self.delta, h, "fefe")