Source code for boxes.lids

# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Florian Festi
#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program.  If not, see <>.
from __future__ import annotations

import math
from typing import Any, Callable

import boxes
from boxes import Boxes, edges

[docs] class LidSettings(edges.Settings): """Settings for the Lid Values: * absolute * style : "none" : type of lid to create * handle : "none" : type of handle * relative (in multiples of thickness) * height : 4.0 : height of the brim (if any) * play : 0.1 : play when sliding the lid on (if applicable) * handle_height : 8.0 : height of the handle (if applicable) """ absolute_params = { "style": ("none", "flat", "chest", "overthetop", "ontop"), "handle": ("none", "long_rounded", "long_trapezoid", "long_doublerounded", "knob"), } relative_params = { "height": 4.0, "play": 0.1, "handle_height": 8.0, }
[docs] class Lid: def __init__(self, boxes, settings: LidSettings) -> None: self.boxes = boxes self.settings = settings def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: """Hack for using unaltered code form Boxes class""" if hasattr(self.settings, name): return getattr(self.settings, name) return getattr(self.boxes, name) def __call__(self, x: float, y: float, edge=None) -> bool: t = self.thickness style = height = self.height if style == "flat": self.rectangularWall(x, y, "eeee", callback=[self.handleCB(x, y)], move="up", label="lid bottom") self.rectangularWall(x, y, "EEEE", callback=[self.handleCB(x, y)], move="up", label="lid top") elif style == "chest": self.chestSide(x, move="right", label="lid right") self.chestSide(x, move="up", label="lid left") self.chestSide(x, move="left only", label="invisible") self.chestTop(x, y, callback=[None, self.handleCB(x, 3*t)], move="up", label="lid top") elif style in ("overthetop", "ontop"): x2 = x y2 = y b = { "Š": "š", "S": "š", }.get(edge, "e") if style == "overthetop": x2 += 2*t + y2 += 2*t + self.rectangularWall(x2, y2, "ffff", callback=[self.handleCB(x2, y2)], move="up") self.rectangularWall(x2, self.height, b +"FFF", ignore_widths=[1, 2, 5, 6], move="up") self.rectangularWall(x2, self.height, b + "FFF", ignore_widths=[1, 2, 5, 6], move="up") self.rectangularWall(y2, self.height, b + "fFf", ignore_widths=[1, 2, 5, 6], move="up") self.rectangularWall(y2, self.height, b + "fFf", ignore_widths=[1, 2, 5, 6], move="up") if style == "ontop": for _ in range(4): self.polygonWall( (2*t, (90, t), t+self.height, 90, 4*t, 90, t+self.height, (90, t)), "e", move="up") else: return False self.handleParts(x, y) return True ###################################################################### ### Handles ######################################################################
[docs] def handleCB(self, x: float, y: float) -> Callable: t = self.thickness def cb() -> None: if self.handle.startswith("long"): self.rectangularHole(x/2, y/2, x/2, t) elif self.handle.startswith("knob"): h = v = 3 * t # adjust for different styles self.moveTo((x - t) / 2 + self.burn, (y - t) / 2 + self.burn, 180) self.ctx.stroke() with self.saved_context(): self.set_source_color(boxes.Color.INNER_CUT) for l in (h, v, h, v): self.polyline(l, -90, t, -90, l, 90) self.ctx.stroke() return cb
[docs] def longHandle(self, x:float, y: float, style="long_rounded", move=None) -> None: t = self.settings.thickness hh = self.handle_height tw, th = x/2 + 2*t, self.handle_height + 2*t if self.move(tw, th, move, True): return self.moveTo(0.5*t) poly = [(90, t/2), t/2, 90, t, -90] if style == "long_rounded": r = min(hh/2, x/4) poly += [t + hh - r, (90, r)] l = x/2 - 2*r elif style == "long_trapezoid": poly += [t, (45, t), (hh - t) * 2**.5, (45, t)] l = x/2 - 2 * hh elif style == "long_doublerounded": poly += [t, 90, 0, (-90, hh /2), 0, (90, hh/2)] l = x/2 - 2*hh poly = [x/2+t] + poly + [l] + list(reversed(poly)) self.polyline(*poly) self.move(tw, th, move)
[docs] def knobHandle(self, x: float, y: float, style, move=None) -> None: t = self.settings.thickness hh = self.handle_height tw, th = 2 * 7 * t + self.spacing, self.handle_height + 2*t if self.move(tw, th, move, True): return poly = [(90, t/2), t/2, 90, t/2, -90] poly += [hh - 2*t, (90, 3*t)] for bottom, top in (([3*t, 90, 2*t + hh/2, -90, t, -90, hh/2 + 2*t, 90, 3*t], [t]), ([7*t], [0, 90, hh/2, -90, t, -90, hh/2, 90, 0])) : self.moveTo(0.5*t) p = bottom + poly + top + list(reversed(poly)) self.polyline(*p) self.moveTo(tw/2 + self.spacing) self.move(tw, th, move)
[docs] def handleParts(self, x: float, y: float) -> None: if self.handle.startswith("long"): self.longHandle(x, y, self.handle, move="up") elif self.handle.startswith("knob"): self.knobHandle(x, y, self.handle, move="up")
###################################################################### ### Chest Lid ######################################################################
[docs] def getChestR(self, x: float, angle: float = 0) -> float: t = self.thickness d = x - 2*math.sin(math.radians(angle)) * (3*t) r = d / 2.0 / math.cos(math.radians(angle)) return r
[docs] def chestSide(self, x: float, angle: float = 0, move="", label: str = "") -> None: if "a" not in self.edges: s = edges.FingerJointSettings(self.thickness, True, finger=1.0, space=1.0) s.edgeObjects(self, "aA.") t = self.thickness r = self.getChestR(x, angle) if self.move(x+2*t, 0.5*x+3*t, move, True, label=label): return self.moveTo(t, 0) self.edge(x) self.corner(90+angle) self.edges["a"](3*t) self.corner(180-2*angle, r) self.edges["a"](3*t) self.corner(90+angle) self.move(x+2*t, 0.5*x+3*t, move, False, label=label)
[docs] def chestTop(self, x: float, y: float, angle: float = 0, callback=None, move=None, label: str = "") -> None: if "a" not in self.edges: s = edges.FingerJointSettings(self.thickness, True, finger=1.0, space=1.0) s.edgeObjects(self, "aA.") t = self.thickness l = math.radians(180-2*angle) * self.getChestR(x, angle) tw = l + 6*t th = y+2*t if self.move(tw, th, move, True, label=label): return, 0, self.edges["A"].startwidth()+self.burn) self.edges["A"](3*t) self.edges["X"](l, y+2*t) self.edges["A"](3*t) self.corner(90), 1) self.edge(y+2*t) self.corner(90), 2, self.edges["A"].startwidth()+self.burn) self.edges["A"](3*t) self.edge(l) self.edges["A"](3*t) self.corner(90), 3) self.edge(y+2*t) self.corner(90) self.move(tw, th, move, label=label)
class _TopEdge(Boxes): def addTopEdgeSettings(self, fingerjoint={}, stackable={}, hinge={}, cabinethinge={}, slideonlid={}, click={}, roundedtriangle={}, mounting={}, handle={}): self.addSettingsArgs(edges.FingerJointSettings, **fingerjoint) self.addSettingsArgs(edges.StackableSettings, **stackable) self.addSettingsArgs(edges.HingeSettings, **hinge) self.addSettingsArgs(edges.CabinetHingeSettings, **cabinethinge) self.addSettingsArgs(edges.SlideOnLidSettings, **slideonlid) self.addSettingsArgs(edges.ClickSettings, **click) self.addSettingsArgs(edges.RoundedTriangleEdgeSettings, **roundedtriangle) self.addSettingsArgs(edges.MountingSettings, **mounting) self.addSettingsArgs(edges.HandleEdgeSettings, **handle) def topEdges(self, top_edge): """Return top edges belonging to given main edge type as a list containing edge for left, back, right, front. """ tl = tb = tr = tf = self.edges.get(top_edge, self.edges["e"]) if tl.char == "i": tl = tr = "e" tb = "j" elif tl.char == "k": tl = tr = "e" elif tl.char == "L": tl = "M" tf = "e" tr = "N" elif tl.char == "v": tl = tr = tf = "e" elif tl.char == "t": tf = tb = "e" elif tl.char == "G": tl = tb = tr = tf = "e" if self.edges["G"].settings.side == edges.MountingSettings.PARAM_LEFT: tl = "G" elif self.edges["G"].settings.side == edges.MountingSettings.PARAM_RIGHT: tr = "G" elif self.edges["G"].settings.side == edges.MountingSettings.PARAM_FRONT: tf = "G" else: #PARAM_BACK tb = "G" elif tl.char == "y": tl = tb = tr = tf = "e" if self.edges["y"].settings.on_sides == True: tl = tr = "y" else: tb = tf = "y" elif tl.char == "Y": tl = tb = tr = tf = "h" if self.edges["Y"].settings.on_sides == True: tl = tr = "Y" else: tb = tf = "Y" return [tl, tb, tr, tf] def drawLid(self, x: float, y: float, top_edge, bedBolts=[None, None]) -> bool: d2, d3 = bedBolts if top_edge == "c": self.rectangularWall(x, y, "CCCC", bedBolts=[d2, d3, d2, d3], move="up", label="top") elif top_edge == "f": self.rectangularWall(x, y, "FFFF", move="up", label="top") elif top_edge in "FhŠY": self.rectangularWall(x, y, "ffff", move="up", label="top") elif top_edge == "L": self.rectangularWall(x, y, "Enlm", move="up", label="lid top") elif top_edge == "i": self.rectangularWall(x, y, "JeIE", move="up", label="lid top") elif top_edge == "k": outset = self.edges["k"].settings.outset self.edges["k"].settings.setValues(self.thickness, outset=True) lx = x/2.0-0.1*self.thickness self.edges['k'].settings.setValues(self.thickness, grip_length=5) self.rectangularWall(lx, y, "IeJe", move="right", label="lid top left") self.rectangularWall(lx, y, "IeJe", move="mirror up", label="lid top right") self.rectangularWall(lx, y, "IeJe", move="left only", label="invisible") self.edges["k"].settings.setValues(self.thickness, outset=outset) elif top_edge == "v": self.rectangularWall(x, y, "VEEE", move="up", label="lid top") self.edges["v"].parts(move="up") else: return False return True