Giving Something Back started as a one person, in the spare time project and it mostly still is. I started it to have fun and with the hope it will be useful for myself and others. But I understand when people feel funny using it for free when similar drawings are sold elsewhere for a few bucks each - in fixed sizes and thickness.

Open Source / Free Software Community

I strongly belief in Open Source / Free Software values. is my way of giving back to the community. I use Free Software every day. If you participate in an Open Source projects in your own time please enjoy!


Another way to give back is contributing to the project itself. This does not need to mean contributing code. There also is a need for pictures, descriptions, assembly instructions, documentation, translations and much more. See Contributing to for details.

Spread the Word

I also belief one of the main goals of Open Source is to maximize the value and usefulness of software and the work that went into it. So telling others about, giving a talk at your local hacker space, publishing a video, or just posting about your project is just as valuable as participating to the project directly.