Source code for boxes.generators.coinbanksafe

# Copyright (C) 2024 Oliver Jensen
#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from boxes import *

[docs] class CoinBankSafe(Boxes): """A piggy-bank designed to look like a safe.""" description =''' Make sure not to discard the circle cutouts from the lid, base, and door. They are all needed. ![Closed](static/samples/CoinBankSafe-closed.jpg) ![Open](static/samples/CoinBankSafe-open.jpg) Assemble the locking pins like this: wiggle-disc, number-disc, doorhole-disc, spacer-disc, D-disc. Glue the first three in place, but do not glue the last two. Leaving them unglued will allow you change the code, and to remove the pin from the door. ![Pins](static/samples/CoinBankSafe-pins.jpg) ''' ui_group = "Misc" def __init__(self) -> None: Boxes.__init__(self) self.addSettingsArgs(edges.FingerJointSettings) self.buildArgParser("x", "y", "h") self.argparser.add_argument( "--slotlength", action="store", type=float, default=30, help="Length of the coin slot in mm") self.argparser.add_argument( "--slotwidth", action="store", type=float, default=4, help="Width of the coin slot in mm") self.argparser.add_argument( "--handlelength", action="store", type=float, default=8, help="Length of handle in multiples of thickness") self.argparser.add_argument( "--handleclearance", action="store", type=float, default=1.5, help="Clearance of handle in multiples of thickness") def drawNumbers(self, radius, cover): fontsize = 0.8 * (radius - cover) for num in range(8): angle = num*45 x = (cover + fontsize *0.4) * math.sin(math.radians(angle)) y = (cover + fontsize *0.4) * math.cos(math.radians(angle)) self.text(str(num+1), align="center middle", fontsize=fontsize, angle=-angle, color=[1,0,0], y=y, x=x) def lockPin(self, layers, move=None): t = self.thickness cutout_width = t/3 barb_length = t base_length = layers * t base_width = t total_length = base_length + barb_length total_width = base_width + cutout_width * 0.5 cutout_angle = math.degrees(math.atan(cutout_width / base_length)) cutout_length = math.sqrt(cutout_width**2 + base_length**2) #self.rectangularWall(5*t, t) if self.move(total_length, total_width, move, True): return self.edge(total_length) self.corner(90) self.edge(base_width * 1/3) self.corner(90) self.edge(base_length) self.corner(180+cutout_angle, 0) self.edge(cutout_length) self.corner(90-cutout_angle) self.edge(cutout_width * 1.5) self.corner(90) self.edge(barb_length) self.corner(90) self.corner(-90, cutout_width * 0.5) self.edge(base_length - cutout_width * 0.5) self.corner(90) self.edge(t) self.corner(90) self.move(total_length, total_width, move) def render(self): x, y, h = self.x, self.y, self.h t = self.thickness slot_length = self.slotlength slot_width = self.slotwidth handle_length = self.handlelength * t handle_clearance = self.handleclearance * t # lock parameters big_radius = 2.25 * t small_radius = 1.4 * t doorhole_radius = 1.25 * t spacing = 1 # side walls with self.saved_context(): self.rectangularWall(x, h, "seFf", move="mirror right") self.rectangularWall(y, h, "sFFF", move="right") # wall with holes for the locking bar self.rectangularWall( x, h, "sfFe", ignore_widths=[3,4,7,8], callback=[lambda: self.fingerHolesAt(2.75*t, 0, h, 90)], move="mirror right") # locking bar self.moveTo(0, self.edges['s'].spacing() + t) self.rectangularWall(1.33*t, h, "eeef", move="right") # door door_clearance = .1 * t # amount to shave off of the door width so it can open before_hinge = 1.25 * t - door_clearance after_hinge = y - 2.25 * t - door_clearance self.moveTo(self.spacing/2, -t) self.polyline( after_hinge, -90, t, 90, t, 90, t, -90, before_hinge, 90, h, 90, before_hinge, -90, t, 90, t, 90, t, -90, after_hinge, 90, h, 90) num_dials = 3 space_under_dials = 6*big_radius space_not_under_dials = h - space_under_dials dial_spacing = space_not_under_dials / (num_dials + 1) if dial_spacing < 1 : min_height = 6*big_radius + 4 raise ValueError(f"With thickness {t}, h must be at least {min_height} to fit the dials.") for pos_y in (h/2, h/2 - (2*big_radius + dial_spacing), h/2 + (2*big_radius + dial_spacing)): self.hole(3*t - door_clearance, pos_y, doorhole_radius) self.rectangularHole(3*t - door_clearance, pos_y, t, t) self.rectangularHole(y/2 - door_clearance, h/2, t, handle_length / 2) self.rectangularWall(x, h, "seff", move="up only") # top self.rectangularWall( y, x, "efff", callback=[ lambda: self.rectangularHole(y/2, x/2, slot_length, slot_width), lambda: (self.hole(1.75*t, 1.75*t, 1.15*t), self.rectangularHole(1.75*t, 1.75*t, t, t))], label="top", move="right") # bottom self.rectangularWall( y, x, "efff", callback=[ lambda: (self.hole(1.75*t, 1.75*t, 1.15*t), self.rectangularHole(1.75*t, 1.75*t, t, t))], label="bottom", move="right") def holeCB(): self.rectangularHole(0, 0, t, t) self.moveTo(0, 0, 45) self.rectangularHole(0, 0, t, t) # locks with self.saved_context(): self.partsMatrix(3, 1, "right",, 2*big_radius, callback=lambda: (self.drawNumbers(big_radius, small_radius), self.rectangularHole(0, 0, t, t))) self.partsMatrix(3, 1, "right",, 2*big_radius, dwidth=0.8,callback=holeCB) self.partsMatrix( 3, 1, "right",, 2*small_radius, callback=lambda:self.rectangularHole(0, 0, t, t)) self.partsMatrix( 3, 1, "right",, 2*small_radius, callback=lambda:self.rectangularHole(0, 0, t, t)) self.partsMatrix(3, 1, "up only",, 2*big_radius) # lock pins with self.saved_context(): self.lockPin(5, move="up") self.lockPin(5, move="up") self.lockPin(5, move="up") self.lockPin(5, move="right only") # handle self.moveTo(0) handle_curve_radius = 0.2 * t self.moveTo(t * 2.5) self.polyline( 0, (90, handle_curve_radius), handle_length - 2 * handle_curve_radius, (90, handle_curve_radius), handle_clearance - handle_curve_radius, 90, handle_length / 4, -90, t, 90, handle_length / 2, 90, t, -90, handle_length / 4, 90, handle_clearance - handle_curve_radius, )