# Copyright (C) 2013-2024 Florian Festi / Melchior Rabe
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from boxes import *
class FatBallDispenser(Boxes):
"""Birdhouse for fat balls."""
description = """
### Description
Fat balls are quite common to feed tits. Here you can build a dispenser that protects
the fat balls from rain and snow. The design was tested using 4mm plywood for the
main structural parts. For the spacer of the locking mechanism two layers of 3mm
plywood have been stacked. The poles were made from 8mm diameter beech rod and 19cm
in length. Some basic consistency checks have been made for different numbers, but
only the defaults have ever been built.
The final dispenser consists of two parts which slide into each other. You can mount
a hook to hang it into a tree. All edges that have angles different from 90 degrees (chamfers)
have engraved guiding lines which indicate the angle. You have to sand the edge such
that the pieces fit together.
The top part (roof) consists of the the following elements for a N sided dispenser:
* The N sided roof bottom plate which supports the roof tiles. It has a central cut out
which is needed for assembly and on the bottom side an engraved line which indicates the
position of the mounting bracket.
* N triangles forming the roof. They also have a small arc at the tip (roof_hole_diameter)
which acts as a drilling guide if you want to mount a hook.
* The N sided roof support piece which has a central hole for the hook. It is been mounted
to the roof tiles through the hole in the roof bottom plate to support the roof
tiles and acts as a mounting plate for the hook.
* Spacer(s); in the reference builds 2 spacers using 3mm plywood have been used. The spacer
needs to be a bit thicker than the ceiling (see below). That's the smaller
"U" shaped part which is glued to the bottom side of the roof bottom plate.
* The bracket is also "U" shaped and a bit wider than the spacer. This is glued to the
bottom of the spacer and holds the cage (bottom part).
The bottom part (cage) consists of the follwoing elements:
* The ceiling is N sided with the central refill hole and N smaller holes into which
the poles are fitted.
* The N sided floor part with finger joints for the balcony walls and holes for
the poles. A central hole to drain rain water can be added as well.
* N balcony walls surrounding the floor.
* N poles that join floor and ceiling (not part of the drawing)
Other parts needed for assembly:
* Wooden rod (N times the length of the poles).
* A hook (e.g. M5x50mm)
* A washer to distribute the load of the hook to the support piece
* One or two nuts to secure the hook
* Optional, a pice of wire mesh
* Sand all chamfers
* Glue balcony walls to the floor
* Glue pairs of roof tiles and use the roof bottom plate as a jig, Hot glue may be used to
tack the parts.
* Glue all roof tiles to form the roof
* Glue spacer(s) and the bracket into a stack
* Glue roof tiles to the roof bottom plate and attach the support piece
* Glue the stack to the roof bottom plate
* Cut the poles to length
* If you want to use multiple colors paint now, otherwise you also can paint later
* After painting you may need to get the paint out of the pole holes again using a drillbit
* Glue the poles into floor plate and ceiling
* Attach the hanger
* Attach the wire mesh
# naming conventions used in the code:
# Radii (center to corner for polygons) are prefixed with `r_`
# Angles in degrees use `a_` and angles in radians use `ar_` as prefix
# Edges of polygons are prefixed with `l_`
ui_group = "Misc"
def __init__(self) -> None:
# Add non default cli params if needed (see argparse std lib)
"--sides", action="store", type=int, default=6,
help="The number of sides of the floor plan.")
"--pole_diameter", action="store", type=float, default=8.0,
help="The diameter of the poles.")
"--ball_diameter", action="store", type=float, default=75.0,
help="The diameter of the fat balls. Give some extra mm to make it a loose fit")
"--balcony_width", action="store", type=float, default=15.0,
help="The width of the area outside of the poles.")
"--balcony_height", action="store", type=float, default=20.0,
help="The height of the balcony in mm. Set to 0 if no walls are needed.")
"--drain_hole_diameter", action="store", type=float, default=5.0,
help="""The diameter of the hole of the floor (to drain rainwater)
in mm. Set to 0 if you don't need it.""")
"--pole_clearance", action="store", type=float, default=9.0,
help="""The minimum distance between a pole and the central
refill hole in the ceiling in mm.""")
"--slide_clearance", action="store", type=float, default=1.0,
help="""The gap between the parts that slide into each other
in the locking mechanism in mm.""")
"--spacer_width", action="store", type=float, default=15.0,
help="The width of the spacer (part of the locking mechanism) in mm.")
"--pole_clearance_factor", action="store", type=float, default=0.9,
help="""The fraction of the pole clearance which is being used for
the locking mechanism.""")
"--roof_overhang", action="store", type=float, default=20.0,
help="Defines how much wider than the bottom floor the roof is.")
"--roof_height", action="store", type=float, default=50.0,
help="The height of the roof in mm.")
"--roof_hole_diameter", action="store", type=float, default=5.0,
help="""The diameter of the hole of the roof in mm.
Set to 0 if you don't want to attach a hanger.""")
"--roof_maintenance_clearance", action="store", type=float, default=20.0,
help="The distance from on bottom corner of the roof to the maintenance hole in mm.")
"--roof_support_fraction", action="store", type=float, default=0.3,
help="The radius of the roof support part as a fraction of the roof radius.")
def calc_tile_angle(self, radius, height):
Calculate the angle (deg) between two roof tiles.
def cross(a, b):
The cross product of two vectors
c = [a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1],
a[2]*b[0] - a[0]*b[2],
a[0]*b[1] - a[1]*b[0]]
return c
def scalar(a, b):
The scalar product of two vectors
return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2]
def norm(a):
The norm of a vector
return math.sqrt(a[0]**2 + a[1]**2 + a[2]**2)
def add(a, b):
The sum of two vectors
return [aa + bb for aa, bb in zip(a, b)]
ar_center = math.radians(360/self.sides)
base = radius * math.sin(ar_center / 2) * 2
base_height = radius * math.cos(ar_center / 2)
# Points are
# P one corner at the bottom of the pyramid
# C The center of the bottom of the pyramid
# O The tip of the pyramid
# Q, B the corners of the pyramid left and right of P
pc = [-base/2, base_height, 0]
pb = [-base, 0, 0]
co = [0, 0, height]
pq = [base * math.cos(ar_center), base * math.sin(ar_center), 0]
po = add(pc, co)
n1 = cross(pq, po)
n2 = cross(po, pb)
cos_e = scalar(n1, n2) / (norm(n1) * norm(n2))
e = math.degrees(math.acos(cos_e))
return e
def get_pole_callback(self, pole_inset, pole_diameter, r_ceiling):
Returns a callback function that renders the pole (and other)
holes into floor and ceiling.
def cb(number):
if number == 0:
if r_ceiling > 0:
self.hole(0, 0, self.ball_diameter / 2)
elif self.drain_hole_diameter > 0:
self.hole(0, 0, self.drain_hole_diameter / 2)
rads = math.radians((180 - (360/self.sides))/2)
x = pole_inset * math.cos(rads)
y = pole_inset * math.sin(rads)
self.hole(x, y, pole_diameter / 2.0)
if r_ceiling > 0 and 1 <= number <= (self.sides // 2 + 1):
a_center = 360.0 / self.sides
a_base = (180 - (360/self.sides))/2
clearance = self.pole_clearance_factor * self.pole_clearance
r_clearance = clearance / math.sin(math.radians(a_base))
r = r_ceiling - r_clearance
base_length = 2 * r * math.sin(math.radians(a_center / 2))
dy = r_clearance * math.sin(math.radians(a_base))
dx = r_clearance * math.cos(math.radians(a_base))
dx_outside = dy / math.tan(math.radians(a_center))
length = base_length
if number == 1:
length += dx_outside + dx
dx = - dx_outside
elif number == (self.sides // 2 + 1):
length += dx_outside + dx
with self.saved_context():
self.moveTo(dx, dy)
self.ctx.line_to(length, 0)
return cb
def get_roof_callback(self, r_polygon, r_hole):
Returns a callback function that renders the
additional features of the roof bottom plate.
def cb(number):
if number == 0:
# maintenance hole
self.hole(0, 0, r_hole)
# engraving to indicate the bracket position
with self.saved_context():
self.regularPolygonAt(0, 0, self.sides, r=r_polygon)
return cb
def balcony_wall(self, x, y, finger_padding,
Function that renders a balcony wall.
Due to the calculation of the length of the sides
of the regularPolygonWall used for the floor plate,
the finger joints need a bit of padding left and right
such that they align with the floor plate. This is achieved
using an "efe" edge at the bottom.
edges = "efeeee"
edges = [self.edges.get(e, e) for e in edges]
edges += edges # append for wrapping around
overallwidth = x + edges[-1].spacing() + edges[3].spacing()
overallheight = y + edges[1].spacing() + edges[4].spacing()
if self.move(overallwidth, overallheight, move, before=True):
self.moveTo(0, edges[1].margin())
for i, l in enumerate((finger_padding, x, finger_padding, y, x+2*finger_padding, y)):
self.cc(callback, i, y=edges[i].startwidth() + self.burn)
e1, e2 = edges[i], edges[i + 1]
if i >= 2:
self.edgeCorner(e1, e2, 90)
a_inner = (90 - 360.0 / self.sides)
inset = self.thickness * math.tan(math.radians(a_inner))
with self.saved_context():
self.moveTo(inset, 0)
self.ctx.line_to(0, self.balcony_height)
self.moveTo(x+2*finger_padding-2*inset, 0)
self.ctx.line_to(0, self.balcony_height)
self.move(overallwidth, overallheight, move, label=label)
def roof_tile(self, r_roof, move=None, label=""):
creates on rooftile
:param move: (Default value = None)
:param label: rendered to identify parts, it is not meant to be cut or etched (Default value = "")
# calculate the roof dimensions
a_base = (180 - (360 / self.sides)) / 2.0
ar_base = math.radians(a_base)
h_roof = self.roof_height
l_roof = 2 * r_roof * math.cos(ar_base)
r_roof_hole = self.roof_hole_diameter / 2
h_roof_floor = r_roof * math.sin(ar_base)
h_roof_tile = math.sqrt(h_roof_floor**2 + h_roof**2)
a_roof = math.degrees(math.atan(h_roof/h_roof_floor))
ar_roof = math.radians(a_roof)
ar_tile_base = math.atan(h_roof_tile / (l_roof/2))
a_tile_base = math.degrees(ar_tile_base)
edges = [self.edges.get(e, e) for e in "eee"]
overallwidth = l_roof + 2*edges[0].spacing()
overallheight = h_roof_tile + 2*edges[0].spacing()
l_side = math.sqrt((0.5*l_roof)**2 + h_roof_tile**2) - r_roof_hole
if self.move(overallwidth, overallheight, move, before=True):
self.moveTo(0, edges[0].margin())
e1, e2, e3 = edges[0], edges[1], edges[2]
self.edgeCorner(e1, e2, 180-a_tile_base)
self.corner(-(180-2*a_tile_base), radius=r_roof_hole)
self.edgeCorner(e3, e1, 180-a_tile_base)
# draw grinding line on base
dy = self.thickness * math.tan(ar_roof)
dx = dy / math.tan(ar_tile_base)
with self.saved_context():
self.moveTo(dx, dy)
self.ctx.line_to(l_roof-2*dx, 0)
# draw grinding lines on sides
a_face = self.calc_tile_angle(r_roof, self.roof_height)
a_face /= 2.0
l_grinding = self.thickness * math.tan(math.radians(a_face))
# first we need to calculate the height of the line
# dy is the distance from the roof tip down to the tip of the "grinding triangle"
dy = h_roof_tile/l_roof * dx
dy *= 2
if r_roof_hole > 0:
# this is only an approximation, but good enough
dy = max(dy, r_roof_hole)
dx_bottom = l_grinding/math.sin(ar_base)
dx_top = l_roof/2 - (l_roof/2-dx_bottom)/(h_roof_tile/r_roof_hole)
with self.saved_context():
self.moveTo(dx_bottom, 0)
self.ctx.line_to(dx_top, h_roof_tile-dy)
self.moveTo(l_roof-2*dx_bottom, 0)
self.ctx.line_to(-dx_top, h_roof_tile-dy)
self.move(overallwidth, overallheight, move, label=label)
def lock_part(self, r_inner, r_outer, move=None, label=""):
Part of the locking mechanism (spacer and bracket).
number_of_edges = 2 * (2 + (self.sides // 2))
edges = [self.edges.get(e, e) for e in "e"*number_of_edges]
a_center = 360/self.sides
a_base = (180 - (360/self.sides))/2
r_inner, _, l_inner = self.regularPolygon(
corners=self.sides, radius=r_inner)
r_outer, _, l_outer = self.regularPolygon(
corners=self.sides, radius=r_outer)
overallwidth, overallheight = 1.5 * r_outer, 3**0.5 * r_outer
if self.move(overallwidth, overallheight, move, before=True):
second_half = number_of_edges / 2
for i in range(number_of_edges):
e1, e2 = edges[i], edges[(i+1) % number_of_edges]
if i in [second_half-1, number_of_edges-1]:
length = r_outer - r_inner
elif i < second_half:
length = l_outer
length = l_inner
if i in [second_half-2]:
angle = 180 - a_base
elif i in [second_half-1]:
angle = a_base
elif i in [number_of_edges-2]:
angle = a_base
elif i in [number_of_edges-1]:
angle = 180 - a_base
elif i < second_half:
angle = a_center
angle = - a_center
self.edgeCorner(e1, e2, angle)
self.move(overallwidth, overallheight, move, label=label)
def render(self):
# adjust to the variables you want in the local scope
r_ball = self.ball_diameter / 2
d_pole = self.pole_diameter
r_pole = d_pole / 2
w_balcony = self.balcony_width
h_balcony = self.balcony_height
ar_base = math.radians((180 - (360/self.sides))/2)
r_clearance = self.pole_clearance / math.sin(ar_base)
r_poles = r_ball + max(r_pole, r_clearance) + r_pole
r_floor = r_poles + r_pole + max(w_balcony, r_clearance, r_pole)
r_ceiling = r_poles + r_pole + max(r_clearance, r_pole)
r_roof = r_floor + self.roof_overhang
l_roof = 2 * r_roof * math.cos(ar_base)
t = self.thickness
floor_outset = t / math.tan(math.radians(90.0-180/self.sides))
l_floor = 2 * r_floor * math.sin(math.radians(360.0 / self.sides / 2))
h_roof = self.roof_height
h_roof_floor = r_roof * math.sin(ar_base)
a_roof = math.degrees(math.atan(h_roof/h_roof_floor))
ar_roof = math.radians(a_roof)
r_support = self.roof_support_fraction * r_roof
# render the ceiling
callback=self.get_pole_callback(r_ceiling - r_poles,
# render the roof base
r_hole = r_ceiling - self.roof_maintenance_clearance
r=r_roof, edges="e",
# only render a balcony if height is >0
if h_balcony > 0:
# render the floor plate
# render the balcony walls
for _ in range(self.sides):
# render the floor plate
callback=self.get_pole_callback(r_floor - r_poles,
if self.roof_hole_diameter > 0:
(_, h_poly, _) = self.regularPolygon(corners=self.sides, radius=r_support)
new_height = h_poly - self.thickness / math.atan(ar_roof)
r_polygon = r_support * new_height / h_poly
r_hole = self.roof_hole_diameter / 2
# render the spacer
self.lock_part(r_ceiling + self.slide_clearance,
r_ceiling + self.slide_clearance + self.spacer_width,
# render the bracket
r_inner = r_ceiling - r_clearance * self.pole_clearance_factor
r_outer = r_ceiling + self.slide_clearance + self.spacer_width
self.lock_part(r_inner, r_outer, move="right")
# render the roof tiles
for _ in range(self.sides):
self.roof_tile(r_roof, move="up")
self.moveTo((0.5 * l_roof) if _ % 2 else
(1.5 * l_roof + 2*self.spacing),
0, -180)