Source code for boxes.generators.sidehingebox

# Copyright (C) 2024 Guillaume Collic
#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import math

from boxes import *

[docs] class SideHingeBox(Boxes): """Box, with an hinge that does not protrude from the back of the box, and a latch.""" description = """ This box is another take on a hinge box. The hinges doesn't protrude from the box, but the sides needs double walls. When opened, 2 sides are opening, improving access inside the box. An optional latch is included, based on a mechanical switch and a 3D printed button. The latch is one-way: the box can be closed freely (this side of the button is angled, and totally smooth since it's the printing bed surface), but can't be inadvertently opened. """ ui_group = "Box" def __init__(self) -> None: Boxes.__init__(self) self.buildArgParser("x", "y", "h", "outside") self.addSettingsArgs(edges.FingerJointSettings, finger=2.0, space=2.0) self.argparser.add_argument( "--play", action="store", type=float, default=0.15, help="play between the two sides as multiple of the wall thickness") self.argparser.add_argument( "--hinge_center", action="store", type=float, default=0.0, help="distance between the hinge center and adjacent sides (0.0 for default)") self.argparser.add_argument( "--hinge_radius", action="store", type=float, default=5.5, help="radius of the hinge inner circle") self.argparser.add_argument( "--cherrymx_latches", action="store", type=int, default=0, choices=[0, 1, 2], help="add one or two latches, based on 3D printing and a cherry mx compatible mechanical keyboard switch") def render(self): x, yi, hi = self.x, self.y, self.h t = self.thickness p = * t hinge_radius = self.hinge_radius hinge_center = self.hinge_center if self.hinge_center else 2*t + hinge_radius latches = self.cherrymx_latches self.mx_width = 15.4 self.mx_length = t+16.4+2.8 #2.8 can be removed if the switch is trimmed flush if self.outside: x -= 2*t yi -= 4*t + 2*p hi -= 2*t yo = yi + 2*(t+p) ho = hi + t # one side is shared between inside and outside part, # so that the lid can rotate and lay flat, without touching the inner bottom fingered_hi = 2*hinge_center-t # a small gap is also needed for both part to rotate freely # (for a rounded angled finish, a gapless version could be added, with manual sanding or mechanical round milling) gap = math.sqrt(abs(pow(hinge_center*math.sqrt(2),2)-pow(hinge_center-t,2)))-hinge_center fingered_ho = ho - gap - 2*hinge_center with self.saved_context(): self.inner_side(x, hi, hinge_center, hinge_radius, fingered_hi, latches, reverse=True) self.rectangularWall( yi, hi, "fFeF", callback=[lambda:self.back_cb(yi, latches)], move="right", label="inner - full side D") self.inner_side(x, hi, hinge_center, hinge_radius, fingered_hi, latches) self.rectangularWall(0, hi, "ffef", move="up only") with self.saved_context(): self.outer_side(x, ho, hinge_center, hinge_radius, fingered_ho, latches) with self.saved_context(): self.rectangularWall(yo, fingered_ho, "fFeF", move="up", label="outer - small side B") self.moveTo(t+p,0) self.rectangularWall(yi, fingered_hi, "eFfF", move="right", label="inner - small side B") self.rectangularWall(yo, 0, "fFeF", move="right only") self.outer_side(x, ho, hinge_center, hinge_radius, fingered_ho, latches, reverse=True) self.rectangularWall(0, ho, "ffef", move="up only") bottom_callback = [ lambda:self.fingerHolesAt(x-self.mx_width-t/2, 0, self.mx_length), lambda:self.back_cb(yi, latches), lambda:self.fingerHolesAt(self.mx_width+t/2, 0, self.mx_length) if latches>1 else None, ] if latches else None self.rectangularWall(x, yi, "FFFF", callback=bottom_callback, move="right", label="inner - bottom") self.rectangularWall(x, yo, "FEFF", move="right", label="outer - upper lid") for _ in range(2): self.rectangularWall(2*t, 1.5*t, "eeee", move="right") if latches: for _ in range(latches): with self.saved_context(): self.rectangularWall(self.mx_width, self.mx_width, "eeee", move="right") self.rectangularWall(self.mx_width, self.mx_width, "ffef", move="right") self.rectangularWall(self.mx_length, self.mx_width, "ffeF", move="right") self.rectangularWall(self.mx_length, self.mx_width, "ffeF", move="up only") self.text(f""" OpenSCAD code for 3D printing the cherry MX latch button: ############################################# play = 0.1; plywood_t = {t}; ear_t = 0.4; ear_d = 15; btn_d = 11.4; btn_ext_h = min(plywood_t, 3.7); btn_h = ear_t + plywood_t + btn_ext_h; module mx_outer() {{ translate([0,0,btn_h+4]) mirror([0,0,1]) linear_extrude(height = 4.2) {{ offset(r=1, $fn=32){{ square([4.5, 2.8], center=true); }} }}; }} module mx_inner() {{ translate([0,0,btn_h+4.01]) mirror([0,0,1]) for (rect = [ [4.05, 1.32], [1.22, 5] ]) {{ linear_extrude(height = 4) square(rect, center=true); hull() {{ linear_extrude(height = 0.01) offset(delta = 0.4) square(rect, center=true); translate([0, 0, 0.5]) linear_extrude(height = 0.01) square(rect, center=true); }}; }} }} angle = atan2(btn_ext_h+0.2, btn_d/2); rotate([0, angle, 0]) difference(){{ union(){{ cylinder(d=btn_d-2*play, h=btn_h, $fn=512); translate([0, 0, btn_h-ear_t/2]) cube([btn_d/2, ear_d, ear_t], center=true); mx_outer(); }} rotate([0, 90-angle, 0]) translate([0, -btn_d/2, 0]) cube(btn_d); mx_inner(); }}""") def back_cb(self, y, latches): if latches>0: self.fingerHolesAt(self.mx_length+self.thickness/2, 0, self.mx_width) if latches>1: self.fingerHolesAt(y-self.mx_length-self.thickness/2, 0, self.mx_width) def inner_side_cb(self, x, reverse): if reverse: self.fingerHolesAt(x-self.mx_width-self.thickness/2, 0, self.mx_width), self.mx_width/2, 5.7+self.burn) else: self.fingerHolesAt(self.mx_width+self.thickness/2, 0, self.mx_width), self.mx_width/2, 5.7+self.burn) def inner_side(self, x, h, hinge_center, hinge_radius, fingered_h, latches, reverse=False): sides = Inner2SidesEdge( self, x, h, hinge_center, hinge_radius, fingered_h, reverse ) noop_edge = edges.NoopEdge(self, margin=self.thickness if reverse else 0) self.rectangularWall( x, h, ["f", "f", sides, noop_edge] if reverse else["f", sides, noop_edge, "f"], move="right", label="inner - hinge side " + ("A" if reverse else "C"), callback=[ lambda: self.inner_side_cb(x, reverse) ] if (latches and reverse) or latches>1 else None, ) def outer_side(self, x, h, hinge_center, hinge_radius, fingered_h, latches, reverse=False): t = self.thickness sides = Outer2SidesEdge( self, x, h, hinge_center, hinge_radius, fingered_h, reverse ) noop_edge = edges.NoopEdge(self, margin=t if reverse else 0) latch_x, latch_y = (t+self.mx_width/2, self.mx_width/2) if reverse: latch_x, latch_y = latch_y, latch_x self.rectangularWall( x, h, ["f", "E", sides, noop_edge] if reverse else["f", sides, noop_edge, "E"], move="right", label="outer - hinge side " + ("C" if reverse else "A"), callback=[ None, None, lambda:, latch_y, 5.7+self.burn) ] if (latches and not reverse) or latches>1 else None, )
class Inner2SidesEdge(edges.BaseEdge): """ The next edge should be a NoopEdge """ def __init__(self, boxes, length, height, hinge_center, hinge_radius, fingered_h, reverse) -> None: super().__init__(boxes, None) self.length = length self.height = height self.hinge_center=hinge_center self.hinge_radius=hinge_radius self.fingered_h=fingered_h self.reverse=reverse def __call__(self, _, **kw): actions = [self.hinge_hole, self.fingers, self.smooth_corner] actions = list(reversed(actions)) if self.reverse else actions for action in actions: action() def fingers(self): self.boxes.edges['f'](self.fingered_h) def smooth_corner(self): # the corner has to be rounded to rotate freely hinge_to_lid = self.height+self.boxes.thickness-self.hinge_center hinge_to_side = self.hinge_center-self.boxes.thickness corner_height = hinge_to_lid-math.sqrt(math.pow(hinge_to_lid, 2) - math.pow(hinge_to_side, 2)) angle = math.degrees(math.asin(hinge_to_side/hinge_to_lid)) path = [ self.height-self.fingered_h-corner_height, (90-angle, 0), 0, (angle, hinge_to_lid), self.boxes.thickness+self.length-self.hinge_center, ] path = list(reversed(path)) if self.reverse else path self.polyline(*path) def hinge_hole(self): direction = -1 if self.reverse else 1 x = direction*(self.hinge_center-self.boxes.thickness-self.boxes.burn) y = self.hinge_center-self.boxes.thickness t = self.boxes.thickness self.boxes.rectangularHole(x, y, 1.5*t, t) def margin(self) -> float: return 0 if self.reverse else self.boxes.edges['f'].margin() class Outer2SidesEdge(edges.BaseEdge): """ The next edge should be a NoopEdge """ def __init__(self, boxes, length, height, hinge_center, hinge_radius, fingered_h, reverse) -> None: super().__init__(boxes, None) self.length = length self.height = height self.hinge_center=hinge_center self.hinge_radius=hinge_radius self.fingered_h=fingered_h self.reverse=reverse def __call__(self, _, **kw): actions = [self.fingers, self.smooth_corner, self.hinge_hole] actions = list(reversed(actions)) if self.reverse else actions for action in actions: action() def fingers(self): self.boxes.edges['f'](self.fingered_h) def smooth_corner(self): # the corner has to be rounded to rotate freely path = [ 0, (-90, 0), self.boxes.thickness, (90, 0), self.height-self.fingered_h-self.hinge_center, (90, self.hinge_center), self.boxes.thickness+self.length-self.hinge_center, ] path = list(reversed(path)) if self.reverse else path self.polyline(*path) @restore @holeCol def hinge_hole(self): direction = -1 if self.reverse else 1 x = direction*(self.hinge_center-self.length-self.boxes.thickness-self.boxes.burn) y = self.hinge_center t = self.boxes.thickness, y, self.hinge_radius) self.boxes.rectangularHole(x, y, t, 1.5*t) def margin(self) -> float: return 0 if self.reverse else self.boxes.edges['f'].margin()