# Copyright (C) 2013-2023 Florian Festi
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from boxes import *
from boxes.lids import LidSettings, _TopEdge
class TopEdge(edges.BaseEdge):
def __init__(self, boxes, lengths, h):
super().__init__(boxes, None)
self.lengths = lengths
self.h = h
def __call__(self, length, **kw):
h = self.h
t = self.boxes.thickness
t2 = t * 2**.5
slot = h/2**.5 + t/2
0, 90, t2, -45,
slot-t, -90, t, -90, slot, 135,
self.lengths[0] - t2/2)
for l in self.lengths[1:]:
0, 45, t, 45, h/2-t2/2, -90, t, -90, h/2-t2, 135,
slot-t, -90, t, -90, slot, 135,
l - t2/2
class SmallPartsTray2(_TopEdge):
"""A Type Tray variant with slopes toward the front"""
description = """Assemble inside out. If there are inner front to back walls start with attaching the floor boards to them. Then add the vertical inner left to right walls. After sliding in the slopes attach the outer wall to fix everything in place.
If there are no inner front to back walls just add everything to one side wall and then add the other one after that. Possibly saving the front and back as last step."""
ui_group = "Tray"
def __init__(self) -> None:
#self.addTopEdgeSettings(fingerjoint={"surroundingspaces": 1.0},
# roundedtriangle={"outset" : 1})
self.addSettingsArgs(edges.FingerJointSettings, surroundingspaces=1.0)
self.buildArgParser("sx", "sy", "hi", "outside", h=30)
# "bottom_edge", "top_edge")
"--back_height", action="store", type=float, default=0.0,
help="additional height of the back wall - e top edge only")
"--radius", action="store", type=float, default=0.0,
help="radius for strengthening side walls with back_height")
"--handle", type=boolarg, default=False, help="add handle to the bottom (changes bottom edge in the front)",
def fingerHolesCB(self, sections, height):
def CB():
posx = -0.5 * self.thickness
for x in sections[:-1]:
posx += x + self.thickness
self.fingerHolesAt(posx, 0, height)
return CB
def fingerHoleLineCB(self, posx, posy, sections):
def CB():
self.moveTo(posx, posy, 90)
for l in sections:
self.fingerHolesAt(0, 0, l, 0)
return CB
def xHoles(self):
posx = -0.5 * self.thickness
for x in self.sx[:-1]:
posx += x + self.thickness
self.fingerHolesAt(posx, 0, self.hi)
def yHoles(self):
t = self.thickness
posy = -0.5 * self.thickness
for y in self.sy[:-1]:
posy += y + self.thickness
self.fingerHolesAt(posy, 0, self.hi-t*2**.5)
with self.saved_context():
self.moveTo(posy-0.5*t, self.hi, 135)
self.fingerHolesAt(-0.5*t, 0, self.hi*2**.5+t/2)
self.moveTo(posy+self.sy[-1]+0.5*t, self.hi, 135)
self.fingerHolesAt(-0.5*t, 0, self.hi*2**.5+t/2)
def render(self):
# tmp settings
self.top_edge = "e"
self.bottom_edge = "F"
if self.outside:
self.sx = self.adjustSize(self.sx)
self.sy = self.adjustSize(self.sy)
self.h = self.adjustSize(self.h, e2=False)
if self.hi:
self.hi = self.adjustSize(self.hi, e2=False)
x = sum(self.sx) + self.thickness * (len(self.sx) - 1)
y = sum(self.sy) + self.thickness * (len(self.sy) - 1)
h = self.h
sameh = not self.hi
hi = self.hi = self.hi or h
t = self.thickness
# outer walls
b = self.bottom_edge
tl, tb, tr, tf = self.topEdges(self.top_edge)
self.closedtop = self.top_edge in "fFhÅ "
bh = self.back_height if self.top_edge == "e" else 0.0
# x sides
# outer walls - front/back
if bh:
self.rectangularWall(x, h+bh, [b, "f", tb, "f"],
move="up", label="back")
self.rectangularWall(x, h, ["f" if self.handle else b, "f", "e", "f"],
callback=[self.fingerHolesCB(self.sx[::-1], h),],
move="up", label="front")
self.rectangularWall(x, h, [b, "F", tb, "F"],
#ignore_widths=[1, 6],
move="up", label="back")
self.rectangularWall(x, hi-t*2**.5, ["f" if self.handle else b, "F", "e", "F"],
callback=[self.fingerHolesCB(self.sx[::-1], hi-t*2**.5),],
#ignore_widths=[] if self.handle else [1, 6],
move="up", label="front")
# floor boards
t2 = t * 2**.5
dy = hi + t2/2
slot = t + t2/2 # 1.5*t
floors = [self.sy[0]- hi - slot + t2, slot]
x, floors[0], "ffef",
callback=[self.fingerHolesCB(self.sx, self.sy[0]-dy)],
move="up", label="floor back side")
for y_ in self.sy[1:]:
x, y_ - slot + t, "efef",
callback=[self.fingerHolesCB(self.sx, y_ - slot + t),
self.fingerHoleLineCB(hi-t2+t/2, 0, self.sx[::-1])],
move="up", label="floor")
floors.extend([y_ - slot + t, slot])
x, hi-t2, "efYf" if self.handle else "efff",
callback=[self.fingerHolesCB(self.sx, hi-t2)],
move="up", label="floor front side")
# Inner walls
be = "f" if b != "e" else "e"
for i in range(len(self.sy) - 1):
e = [edges.SlottedEdge(self, self.sx, be, slots=0.5 * hi), "f",
edges.SlottedEdge(self, self.sx[::-1], "e"), "f"]
self.rectangularWall(x, hi-t2, e, move="up", label=f"inner x {i+1}")
# slopes
for i in self.sy:
x, hi*2**.5 + t/2,
[edges.SlottedEdge(self, self.sx, "e", slots=hi/2**.5), "f",
edges.SlottedEdge(self, self.sx[::-1], "e"), "f"],
move="up", label="slope")
# top / lid
#self.drawLid(x, y, self.top_edge) # XXX deal with front
#self.lid(x, y, self.top_edge)
self.rectangularWall(x, hi, "ffff", move="right only")
# y walls
# outer walls - left/right
for move in ("up", "up mirror"):
if bh:
y, h+bh, hi-t*2**.5,
[edges.CompoundEdge(self, ("FE"*len(self.sy))+"F", floors),
"h", "e", "h"],
radius=self.radius, callback=[self.yHoles, ],
move=move, label="side")
y, h,
[edges.CompoundEdge(self, ("FE"*len(self.sy))+"F", floors),
edges.CompoundEdge(self, "fE", (hi-t*2**.5, h-hi+t*2**.5)),
tl, "f"],
callback=[self.yHoles, ],
#ignore_widths=[6] if self.handle else [1, 6],
move=move, label="side")
# inner walls
for i in range(len(self.sx) - 1):
e = [edges.CompoundEdge(self, ("fE"*len(self.sy))+"f", floors),
edges.CompoundEdge(self, "fe", (hi-t*2**.5, t*2**.5)),
TopEdge(self, self.sy[::-1], hi), "f"]
self.rectangularWall(y, hi, e, move="up", label=f"inner y {i+1}")