Source code for boxes.generators.typetray

# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Florian Festi
#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from boxes import *
from boxes import Color, edges
from boxes.lids import LidSettings, _TopEdge

class FingerHoleEdgeSettings(edges.Settings):
    """Settings for FingerHoleEdge
* absolute_params

 * radius : 10.0 : maximal radius (in mm)
 * absolute_depth : 0.0 : depth of the hole in mm (in addition to the relative)
 * absolute_width : 0.0 : width of the hole in mm (in addition to the relative)
 * relative_depth : 0.0 : depth of the hole as fraction of the wall
 * relative_width : 0.3 : width of the hole as fraction of the wall width

    absolute_params = {
        "radius": 10.,
        "absolute_depth": 0.0,
        "relative_depth" : 0.9,
        "absolute_width" : 0.0,
        "relative_width" : 0.3,

    wallheight = 0.0

class FingerHoleEdge(edges.BaseEdge):
    """An edge with room to get your fingers around cards"""

    char = "A"

    def __call__(self, length, **kw):

        width = min(self.settings.absolute_width + length * self.settings.relative_width, length)
        depth = min(self.settings.absolute_depth + self.settings.wallheight * self.settings.relative_depth, self.settings.wallheight)

        r = min(width/2, depth, self.settings.radius)

        if depth < 1e-9 or width < 1e-9:
            self.boxes.edge(length, tabs=2)
        poly = (((length - width) / 2, 1), 90, depth-r, (-90, r))
        self.polyline(*poly, (width - 2*r, 1), *reversed(poly))

[docs] class TypeTray(_TopEdge): """Type tray - allows only continuous walls""" ui_group = "Tray" def __init__(self) -> None: Boxes.__init__(self) self.addTopEdgeSettings(fingerjoint={"surroundingspaces": 0.5}, roundedtriangle={"outset" : 1}) self.addSettingsArgs(LidSettings) self.buildArgParser("sx", "sy", "h", "hi", "outside", "bottom_edge", "top_edge") self.argparser.add_argument( "--back_height", action="store", type=float, default=0.0, help="additional height of the back wall - e top edge only") self.argparser.add_argument( "--radius", action="store", type=float, default=0.0, help="radius for strengthening side walls with back_height") self.argparser.add_argument( "--gripheight", action="store", type=float, default=30, dest="gh", help="height of the grip hole in mm") self.argparser.add_argument( "--gripwidth", action="store", type=float, default=70, dest="gw", help="width of th grip hole in mm (zero for no hole)") self.argparser.add_argument( "--handle", type=boolarg, default=False, help="add handle to the bottom (changes bottom edge in the front)") self.argparser.add_argument( "--fingerholes", action="store", type=str, default="none", choices=["none", "inside-only", "front", "back", "front-and-back"], help="Decide which outer walls should have finger hole, too") label_group = self.argparser.add_argument_group("Compartment Labels") label_group.add_argument( "--text_size", action="store", type=int, default=12, help="Textsize in mm for the traycontent") label_group.add_argument( "--text_alignment", action="store", type=str, default="left", choices=['left', 'center', 'right'], help="Text Alignment") label_group.add_argument( "--text_distance_x", action="store", type=float, default=2.0, help="Distance in X from edge of tray in mm. Has no effect when text is centered.") label_group.add_argument( "--text_distance_y", action="store", type=float, default=2.0, help="Distance in Y from edge of tray in mm.") label_group.add_argument( "--text_at_front", action="store", type=boolarg, default=False, help="Start compartement labels on the front") if self.UI == "web": label_group.add_argument( "--label_text", action="store", type=str, default="\n", help="Every line is the text for one compartment. Beginning with front left") else: label_group.add_argument( "--label_file", action="store", type=argparse.FileType('r'), help="file with compartment labels. One line per compartment") self.addSettingsArgs(FingerHoleEdgeSettings) @property def fingerholedepth(self): if self.fingerhole == 'custom': return self.fingerhole_depth elif self.fingerhole == 'regular': a = self.h/4 if a < 35: return a else: return 35 elif self.fingerhole == 'deep': return self.h-self.thickness-10 elif self.fingerhole == 'none': return 0 def xSlots(self): posx = -0.5 * self.thickness for x in[:-1]: posx += x + self.thickness posy = 0 for y in self.fingerHolesAt(posx, posy, y) posy += y + self.thickness def ySlots(self): posy = -0.5 * self.thickness for y in[:-1]: posy += y + self.thickness posx = 0 for x in reversed( self.fingerHolesAt(posy, posx, x) posx += x + self.thickness def xHoles(self): posx = -0.5 * self.thickness for x in[:-1]: posx += x + self.thickness self.fingerHolesAt(posx, 0, self.hi) def yHoles(self): posy = -0.5 * self.thickness for y in[:-1]: posy += y + self.thickness self.fingerHolesAt(posy, 0, self.hi) def gripHole(self): if not return x = sum( + self.thickness * (len( - 1) r = min(, / 2.0 self.rectangularHole(x / 2.0, * 1.5,,, r) def textCB(self): ## declare text-variables textsize = self.text_size texty = self.hi - textsize - self.text_distance_y if self.text_alignment == 'center': texty -= self.fingerholedepth textdistance =[0] + self.thickness ## Generate text-fields for each tray for n in range(len( # Break for-loop if further list is empty if self.textnumber >= len(self.textcontent): break textx = n * ([0] + self.thickness) # Calculate textposition if self.text_alignment == 'left': textx += self.text_distance_x elif self.text_alignment == 'center': textx +=[0] / 2 elif self.text_alignment == 'right': textx +=[0] - self.text_distance_x # Generate text self.text( "%s" % self.textcontent[self.textnumber], textx, texty, 0, align=self.text_alignment, fontsize=textsize, color=Color.ETCHING) self.textnumber +=1 def render(self): if self.outside: = self.adjustSize( = self.adjustSize( self.h = self.adjustSize(self.h, e2=False) if self.hi: self.hi = self.adjustSize(self.hi, e2=False) x = sum( + self.thickness * (len( - 1) y = sum( + self.thickness * (len( - 1) h = self.h sameh = not self.hi hi = self.hi = self.hi or h t = self.thickness s = FingerHoleEdgeSettings(self.thickness, True, **self.edgesettings.get("FingerHoleEdge", {})) s.wallheight = 0 if self.fingerholes == "none" else self.hi p = FingerHoleEdge(self, s) self.addPart(p) # outer walls b = self.bottom_edge tl, tb, tr, tf = self.topEdges(self.top_edge) self.closedtop = self.top_edge in "fFhÅ " ignore_widths = [1, 6] if self.top_edge in "ik": self.edges[self.top_edge] = "flush_inset" ignore_widths = [1, 3, 4, 6] bh = self.back_height if self.top_edge == "e" else 0.0 self.textcontent = [] if hasattr(self, "label_text"): self.textcontent = self.label_text.split("\r\n") else: if self.label_file: with open(self.label_file) as f: self.textcontent = f.readlines() self.textnumber = 0 # x sides # floor if b != "e": if self.handle: self.rectangularWall(x, y, "ffYf", callback=[self.xSlots, self.ySlots], move="up", label="bottom") else: self.rectangularWall(x, y, "ffff", callback=[self.xSlots, self.ySlots], move="up", label="bottom") # front if self.text_at_front: frontCBs = [lambda:(self.textCB(), self.mirrorX(self.xHoles, x)()), None, self.gripHole] else: frontCBs = [self.mirrorX(self.xHoles, x), None, self.gripHole] # finger holes at front wall if not self.closedtop and \ self.fingerholes in ("front", "front-and-back"): tf = edges.SlottedEdge(self,[::-1], "A") if bh: self.rectangularWall( x, h, ["f" if self.handle else b, "f", tf, "f"], callback=frontCBs, move="up", label="front") else: self.rectangularWall( x, h, ["f" if self.handle else b, "F", tf, "F"], callback=frontCBs, ignore_widths=[] if self.handle else ignore_widths, move="up", label="front") # Inner walls be = "f" if b != "e" else "e" ###### for i in range(len( - 1): e = [edges.SlottedEdge(self,, be), "f", edges.SlottedEdge(self,[::-1], "A", slots=0.5 * hi), "f"] if self.closedtop and sameh: e = [edges.SlottedEdge(self,, be), "f", edges.SlottedEdge(self,[::-1], "f", slots=0.5 * hi), "f"] self.rectangularWall(x, hi, e, move="up", callback=[self.textCB], label=f"inner x {i+1}") # back # finger holes at back wall if not self.closedtop and \ self.fingerholes in ("back", "front-and-back"): tb = edges.SlottedEdge(self,, "A") if bh: self.rectangularWall(x, h+bh, [b, "f", tb, "f"], callback=[self.xHoles], ignore_widths=[], move="up", label="back") else: self.rectangularWall(x, h, [b, "F", tb, "F"], callback=[self.xHoles], ignore_widths=ignore_widths, move="up", label="back") # top / lid if self.closedtop and sameh: e = "FFFF" if self.top_edge == "f" else "ffff" self.rectangularWall(x, y, e, callback=[ self.xSlots, self.ySlots], move="up", label="top") else: self.drawLid(x, y, self.top_edge) self.lid(x, y, self.top_edge) self.ctx.restore() self.rectangularWall(x, hi, "ffff", move="right only") # y walls # outer walls - left/right if bh: self.trapezoidSideWall( y, h, h+bh, [b, "h", "e", "h"], radius=self.radius, callback=[self.yHoles, ], move="up", label="left side") self.trapezoidSideWall( y, h+bh, h, [b, "h", "e", "h"], radius=self.radius, callback=[self.mirrorX(self.yHoles, y), ], move="up", label="right side") else: self.rectangularWall( y, h, [b, "f", tl, "f"], callback=[self.yHoles, ], ignore_widths=[6] if self.handle else [1, 6], move="up", label="left side") self.rectangularWall( y, h, [b, "f", tr, "f"], callback=[self.mirrorX(self.yHoles, y), ], ignore_widths=[1] if self.handle else [1, 6], move="up", label="right side") # inner walls for i in range(len( - 1): e = [edges.SlottedEdge(self,, be, slots=0.5 * hi), "f", "e", "f"] if self.closedtop and sameh: e = [edges.SlottedEdge(self,, be, slots=0.5 * hi),"f", edges.SlottedEdge(self,[::-1], "f"), "f"] self.rectangularWall(y, hi, e, move="up", label=f"inner y {i+1}")